social media

#Twitterflash: A burst of 99-word #flashfiction stories celebrating #FFRodeo

Yes, I am a little #hashtaghappy, but that’s because for the next 10 days I am working as a wrangler over at Carrot Ranch, hosting a Twitterflash party. Curious? We’re challenging writers to tweet a 99-word story in 11 sentences that are exactly 9 words each. If you want to read some great stories, check […]

Breakups: The downs and ups

I’m feeling kinda goofy this week. It could be the ever-present caffeine or the full 8 hours of sleep I am getting each night or the 10,000 steps I keep taking each day, but I think it’s actually the fact that I have been Facebook free for 72 hours. Yes, for the last week of […]

Writing and Revision in the Age of Social Media

A while back I stumbled upon Write On by Kindle, a place where authors can share and get feedback on new work (for those of you familiar with WattPad, Write On seems to be Amazon’s response). Write On offers this as explanation for what it provides: Write On is a place for all the people […]