
In Remembrance: English teachers

Several nights ago, exhausted from a day of intense editing, I was in that foggy chasm between wakefulness and sleep when I was struck so powerfully by an idea that I forced myself awake, grabbed my journal from the nightstand, and sat in the dark, scratching out the words buzzing in my head. Satisfied that I had gotten […]

Three Line Thursday

Part of my 2015 writing contract with myself is to “put myself out there” more. In January, I have sought out online writing contests to connect with new writing communities. In one such contest, “Three Line Thursday,” writers must respond to a photo prompt with only three lines of text in the comments. Three lines?!  Challenge accepted! Last week, […]

My 15 Minutes of Fame

I was honored to be interviewed for the wonderfully supportive Short Story & Flash Fiction Society and am excited to share that the interview is now live. I hope you will take a moment to check out SSFFS and connect with them via social media. Read the interview at the Short Story & Flash Fiction […]

Challenging Yourself as a Writer

As writers, it’s all too easy to fall into a rhythm. Some call it the sweet spot, where your writing process and your creative ideas all come together and you are able to produce stories that both the author and the readers enjoy. Yes, this sweet spot is definitely…well, um sweet, and many authors want to pull up […]

Jumpstarting Your Writing through Sprints

(originally published in the Nebraska Writer’s Guild Bulletin) Have you ever prepared for writing—researched your ideas, developed characters, created a plot outline, set aside time to write—and yet when you sat down to write, you found yourself stuck with a variety of false starts if you could start at all? Maybe you were constantly stopping […]